Sorted by composer

ComposerHymn TuneTitleMeterPoetFilelv
Adapted from Christian Friedrich WittStuttgartCome, thou long expected Jesus87.87Charles WesleyStuttgart.ly2.8.0
Adapted from Henry PurcellWestminster AbbeyChrist is Made the Sure Foundation87.87.87Latin, 7th Cent.WestminsterAbbey.ly2.7.38
An Essay on the Church Plain ChantDulce CarmenAlleluia, Song of Gladness87.87.87Latin, 11th Cent.DulceCarmen.ly2.8.0
Anthony WernerWernerO Salutaris HostiaL.M.St. Thomas AquinasOSalutaris.ly2.8.0
Arthur Seymour SullivanFortunatusWelcome, Happy Morning11 11.11 11.11Venantius Honorius FortunatusFortunatus.ly2.8.0
Arthur Seymour SullivanSt. KevinCome, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain76.76.D.St. John of DamascusStKevin.ly2.8.0
Cologne GesangbuchVigiles et SanctiYe watchers and ye holy ones88. RileyVigilesEtSancti.ly2.8.0
Darmstadt GesangbuchAll SaintsWho Are These Like Stars Appearing87.87.77Theobald Heinrich SchenckAllSaints.ly2.8.0
Friedrich FilitzCapetownGracious Spirit, Holy Ghost77.75Christopher Wordsworth, alt.Capetown.ly2.8.0
G. P. Sante da PalestrinaVictoryThe Strife Is O'er8 8 8, with AlleluiasLatinVictory.ly2.8.0
George Frederick HandelChristmasAwake, my soul, stretch every nerve86.866Philip DoddridgeChristmas.ly2.8.0
George J. ElveySt. George's WindsorCome, Ye Thankful People, Come77.77.77.77Henry Alford, alt.StGeorgesWindsor.ly2.8.0
Hans Leo HasslerPassion ChoraleO Sacred Head Surrounded76.76.Dascr. St. Bernard of ClairvauxPassionChorale.ly2.8.0
Henri Frederic HemySt. CatherineFaith of Our Fathers88.88.88Frederick William Faber, alt.StCatherine.ly2.8.0
Henry SmartRegent SquareLight's Abode, Celestial Salem87.87.87Latin, 15th. cent.RegentSquare.ly2.8.0
Johann A. P. SchultzClaudiusWe Plow the Fields, and Scatter76.76.D., with RefrainMatthias ClaudiusClaudius.ly2.8.0
John DarwallDarwallYe holy angels bright66.66.44.44Richard Baxter and John Hampden GurneyDarwall.ly2.8.0
John Day's PsalterSt. FlavianLord, who throughout these forty daysC.M.Claudia F. HernamanStFlavian.ly2.8.0
John Francis WadeSt. ThomasTantum Ergo87.87.87St. Thomas AquinasTantumergo.ly2.8.0
John HattonDuke StreetI Know That My Redeemer LivesL.M.Samuel MedleyDukeStreet.ly2.8.0
Joseph BarnabyLaudes DominiWhen Morning Gilds the Skies66.66.66German, anon.LaudesDomini.ly2.8.0
Lister R. PeaceNova VitaBreathe on Me, Breath of GodS.M.Edwin HatchNovaVita.ly2.8.0
Lyra DavidicaEaster HymnJesus Christ is Ris'n Today77.77, with AlleluiasLatin, 14th cent.EasterHymn.ly2.8.0
M.H., in Nürnbergisches GesangbuchHeinleinForty Days and Forty Nights77.77.George Hunt Smyttan, alt.Heinlein.ly2.8.0
Melchior TeschnerSt. TheodulphAll Glory, Laud and Honor76.76.D.St. TheodulphStTheodulph.ly2.8.0
MozartUnknownI Sing the Mighty Power of GodUnknownUnknownmozart.ly2.6.4
Philip P. BlissVilla Du HavreIt is well with my soul11.8.11.9, with RefrainHoratio G. SpaffordVilleDuHavre.ly2.8.0
Plymouth CollectionPleading SaviourSing of Mary87.87. D.AnonymousPleadingSaviour.ly2.8.0
R. Vaughn WilliamsKingsfoldWhen Jesus Left His Father's ThroneC.M.D.James MontgomeryKingsfold.ly2.8.0
Richard RedheadPetraGo to Dark Gethsemane77.77.77James MontgomeryPetra.ly2.8.0
Robert LowryNeedI Need Thee Ev'ry Hour64.64, with RefrainAnnie Sherwood HawkesNeed.ly2.8.0
Romischkatholisches GesangbuchleinSweet SacramentJesus, My Lord, My God, My AllL.M., with RefrainFrederick W. FaberSweetSacrament.ly2.8.0
Rowland Hugh PrichardHyfrydolLove Divine, All Loves Excelling87.87.DCharles Wesley, alt.Hyfrydol.ly2.8.0
Samuel S. WesleyAureliaThe Church's One Foundation76.76.D.Samuel John StoneAurelia.ly2.8.0
Select Hymns with Tunes AnnextHelmsleyLo! he comes with clouds descending87.87.12 7Charles Wesley, altHelmsley.ly2.8.0
Silesian MelodySt. ElisabethFairest Lord Jesus568.558Münster GesangbuchStElisabeth.ly2.8.0
Thomas TallisTallis' CanonAll Praise to Thee, My God, This NightL.M.Thomas KenTallisCanon.ly2.7.38
Traditional EnglishRoyal OakAll Things Bright and Beautiful76.76, with RefrainCecil Frances AlexanderRoyalOak.ly2.8.0
Traditional German MelodyInnsbruckThe Duteous Day Now Closeth776.778Paulus GerhardyInnsbruck.ly2.7.38
UnknownRockinghamWhen I Survey the Wondrous CrossL.M.Isaac WattsRockingham.ly2.8.0
Virginia HarmonyNew BritainAmazing GraceC.M.John NewtonNewBritain.ly2.8.0
Welsh MelodySt. DenioImmortal, Invisible, God Only Wise11 11.11 11Walter Chalmers Smith, alt.StDenio.ly2.8.0
William CroftSt. AnneO God, Our Help in Ages PastC.M.Isaac Watts, based on Psalm 90StAnne.ly2.8.0
William Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesGardinerTake Up Thy CrossLMCharles W. Everest, alt.Gardiner.ly2.8.0
William Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesGardinerTake Up Your CrossL.M.Charles W. Everest, alt.Spires.ly2.8.0
William Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesGardinerTake Up Your CrossL.M.Charles W. Everest, alt.Spires2.ly2.8.0
William H. MonkEventideAbide With Me10.10.10.10Henry Francis LyteEventide.ly2.8.0