Sorted by title

TitleHymn TuneComposerPoetMeterFilelv
Abide With MeEventideWilliam H. MonkHenry Francis Lyte10.10.10.10Eventide.ly2.8.0
All Glory, Laud and HonorSt. TheodulphMelchior TeschnerSt. Theodulph76.76.D.StTheodulph.ly2.8.0
All Praise to Thee, My God, This NightTallis' CanonThomas TallisThomas KenL.M.TallisCanon.ly2.7.38
All Things Bright and BeautifulRoyal OakTraditional EnglishCecil Frances Alexander76.76, with RefrainRoyalOak.ly2.8.0
Alleluia, Song of GladnessDulce CarmenAn Essay on the Church Plain ChantLatin, 11th Cent.87.87.87DulceCarmen.ly2.8.0
Amazing GraceNew BritainVirginia HarmonyJohn NewtonC.M.NewBritain.ly2.8.0
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerveChristmasGeorge Frederick HandelPhilip Doddridge86.866Christmas.ly2.8.0
Breathe on Me, Breath of GodNova VitaLister R. PeaceEdwin HatchS.M.NovaVita.ly2.8.0
Christ is Made the Sure FoundationWestminster AbbeyAdapted from Henry PurcellLatin, 7th Cent.87.87.87WestminsterAbbey.ly2.7.38
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the StrainSt. KevinArthur Seymour SullivanSt. John of Damascus76.76.D.StKevin.ly2.8.0
Come, Ye Thankful People, ComeSt. George's WindsorGeorge J. ElveyHenry Alford, alt.
Come, thou long expected JesusStuttgartAdapted from Christian Friedrich WittCharles Wesley87.87Stuttgart.ly2.8.0
Fairest Lord JesusSt. ElisabethSilesian MelodyMünster Gesangbuch568.558StElisabeth.ly2.8.0
Faith of Our FathersSt. CatherineHenri Frederic HemyFrederick William Faber, alt.88.88.88StCatherine.ly2.8.0
Forty Days and Forty NightsHeinleinM.H., in Nürnbergisches GesangbuchGeorge Hunt Smyttan, alt.77.77.Heinlein.ly2.8.0
Go to Dark GethsemanePetraRichard RedheadJames Montgomery77.77.77Petra.ly2.8.0
Gracious Spirit, Holy GhostCapetownFriedrich FilitzChristopher Wordsworth, alt.77.75Capetown.ly2.8.0
I Know That My Redeemer LivesDuke StreetJohn HattonSamuel MedleyL.M.DukeStreet.ly2.8.0
I Need Thee Ev'ry HourNeedRobert LowryAnnie Sherwood Hawkes64.64, with RefrainNeed.ly2.8.0
I Sing the Mighty Power of GodUnknownMozartUnknownUnknownmozart.ly2.6.4
Immortal, Invisible, God Only WiseSt. DenioWelsh MelodyWalter Chalmers Smith, alt.11 11.11 11StDenio.ly2.8.0
It is well with my soulVilla Du HavrePhilip P. BlissHoratio G. Spafford11.8.11.9, with RefrainVilleDuHavre.ly2.8.0
Jesus Christ is Ris'n TodayEaster HymnLyra DavidicaLatin, 14th cent.77.77, with AlleluiasEasterHymn.ly2.8.0
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My AllSweet SacramentRomischkatholisches GesangbuchleinFrederick W. FaberL.M., with RefrainSweetSacrament.ly2.8.0
Light's Abode, Celestial SalemRegent SquareHenry SmartLatin, 15th. cent.87.87.87RegentSquare.ly2.8.0
Lo! he comes with clouds descendingHelmsleySelect Hymns with Tunes AnnextCharles Wesley, alt87.87.12 7Helmsley.ly2.8.0
Lord, who throughout these forty daysSt. FlavianJohn Day's PsalterClaudia F. HernamanC.M.StFlavian.ly2.8.0
Love Divine, All Loves ExcellingHyfrydolRowland Hugh PrichardCharles Wesley, alt.87.87.DHyfrydol.ly2.8.0
O God, Our Help in Ages PastSt. AnneWilliam CroftIsaac Watts, based on Psalm 90C.M.StAnne.ly2.8.0
O Sacred Head SurroundedPassion ChoraleHans Leo Hasslerascr. St. Bernard of Clairvaux76.76.DPassionChorale.ly2.8.0
O Salutaris HostiaWernerAnthony WernerSt. Thomas AquinasL.M.OSalutaris.ly2.8.0
Sing of MaryPleading SaviourPlymouth CollectionAnonymous87.87. D.PleadingSaviour.ly2.8.0
Take Up Thy CrossGardinerWilliam Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesCharles W. Everest, alt.LMGardiner.ly2.8.0
Take Up Your CrossGardinerWilliam Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesCharles W. Everest, alt.L.M.Spires.ly2.8.0
Take Up Your CrossGardinerWilliam Gardiner's Sacred MelodiesCharles W. Everest, alt.L.M.Spires2.ly2.8.0
Tantum ErgoSt. ThomasJohn Francis WadeSt. Thomas Aquinas87.87.87Tantumergo.ly2.8.0
The Church's One FoundationAureliaSamuel S. WesleySamuel John Stone76.76.D.Aurelia.ly2.8.0
The Duteous Day Now ClosethInnsbruckTraditional German MelodyPaulus Gerhardy776.778Innsbruck.ly2.7.38
The Strife Is O'erVictoryG. P. Sante da PalestrinaLatin8 8 8, with AlleluiasVictory.ly2.8.0
We Plow the Fields, and ScatterClaudiusJohann A. P. SchultzMatthias Claudius76.76.D., with RefrainClaudius.ly2.8.0
Welcome, Happy MorningFortunatusArthur Seymour SullivanVenantius Honorius Fortunatus11 11.11 11.11Fortunatus.ly2.8.0
When I Survey the Wondrous CrossRockinghamUnknownIsaac WattsL.M.Rockingham.ly2.8.0
When Jesus Left His Father's ThroneKingsfoldR. Vaughn WilliamsJames MontgomeryC.M.D.Kingsfold.ly2.8.0
When Morning Gilds the SkiesLaudes DominiJoseph BarnabyGerman, anon.66.66.66LaudesDomini.ly2.8.0
Who Are These Like Stars AppearingAll SaintsDarmstadt GesangbuchTheobald Heinrich Schenck87.87.77AllSaints.ly2.8.0
Ye holy angels brightDarwallJohn DarwallRichard Baxter and John Hampden Gurney66.66.44.44Darwall.ly2.8.0
Ye watchers and ye holy onesVigiles et SanctiCologne GesangbuchAlhelstan Riley88.